Descent into fascism begins with the social structures generated by an authoritarian patriarchy, which mesh with the desire to be told what to do instead of thinking independently. Read More...
President Trump should wear a scarlet letter 'A' for being an abhorrent, abusive, abominable animal who likes to put kids in cages and separate families. Read More...
Now that the country is on the path of impeachment, we hear a lot from politicians and scholars about the genius of the founding fathers and the beauty of the 1788 Constitution. Read More...
Mitch McConnell is on record saying he has no intention of facilitating anything resembling a fair trial of the impeachment charges against Donald Trump. Read More...
Forty-three percent of registered voters feel that Trump should be reelected, while 54% say it is time to have someone new in the Oval Office. Read More...
The U.S. needs to return to the bargaining table with Cuba to negotiate normalization of relations and push Congress to repeal Helms-Burton. Read More...