Time to make them pay for their hatred

Marco Rubio. Mario Diaz-Balart. Bob Menendez. Albio Sires. Ted Cruz. Alex Mooney. Anthony E. Gonzalez. These are the seven members of the U.S. Congress right now who have Cuban ties. Of the seven, only New Jersey’s Albio Sires was born in Cuba. All the others were born in the United States, or in the case of Ted Cruz, Canada. 

I do not know enough about Mooney, who represents a district in West Virginia, and Gonzalez, from Ohio, to say for sure, but in one way or another the ones we’ve known (especially the usual suspects: Rubio, Diaz-Balart, Menendez, Sires and Cruz) use Cuba simply as a wedge issue. It is employed at election time and for raising funds in places like Miami and New Jersey. They use it to milk the government for funds they supposedly employ “to instill democracy in Cuba.” They wrap the Cuban flag around themselves as a demagogic act. In the end they couldn’t care less about the island and its 11 million people.

They are all Republicans except for two Democrats, Menendez (who we know too well) and Sires. 

As for not caring… case in point is the Trump policy on Cuba directed by the likes of Marco Rubio and John Bolton. Renouncing anything Obama, Trump took apart a number of the steps taken by the former president when it came to Cuba policy. A policy, that if truth be told, was working in a critical sense. The flow of families, both back and forth from the Island nation, was becoming as natural as it should be. People came and went, back and forth, with few problems.

A brigade of haters. 

This in return created what we saw happening. Families working together, some creating businesses in Cuba, and also in Miami for that matter, which resulted in people’s economic livelihood improving on both sides of this centuries-old argument. 

Also, as a result of Obama’s rightful decision to suspend the dangerous wet foot, dry foot immigration policy applied to the Cubans, people came to our shores legally, knowing they had to return, but also aware that they could come back again. 

In other words, the situation, became more normal and good. Especially for families and the ties that bind them. 

Then Donald Trump gets elected by the Electoral College (not a majority of American voters) and things took a deep, dark dive in search of the past. Obama’s rapprochement efforts were eliminated, a strange turn of events (the mysterious and so-called sonic attacks), that I believe was caused on purpose by certain persons of related to the U.S. government, led to the closing of the U.S. consular office in Havana, and things went from better to the bad old days. 

And all this the mastermind of two members of Congress, who claim to be Cubans, but have no idea what being Cuban entails. They’ve sold their souls to the devil (Donald Trump), and now act like the dogs he’s admitted to hating, willing to sniff his ass or stand on two legs for him, in exchange for leading a campaign of hate against the island they falsely claim to love. A place they’ve never been to. 

Their names are Marco Rubio and Mario Diaz-Balart. With Democratic Party assistance from persons like Sen. Bob Menendez — another pretend Cuban.

They are so malevolent, and such liars, that they claim everything they’ve done is for the good of the island they so falsely love. And in fact, they are part of the troop of persons, as I mentioned in my last article where I wrote of United States special envoy for Venezuela Elliott Abrams, who “will do anything and everything possible to sink the Island with all 11 million people in it. And when it’s underwater and drowned, they will exclaim: Good riddance!”

There’s proof of this hatred. Or what would you call the fact that they say Cuba is the island of the damned, and still persons fleeing that ‘terrible’ island are denied entry to this country because of their actions. As reported by the Los Angeles Times, “In 2016, the last year of the Obama administration, the U.S. deported 64 Cubans. Last year, the Trump administration deported 463. This year, officials are on pace to deport around 560. The number of Cubans showing up at the southern border without prior permission to enter, categorized as ‘inadmissibles’ by Customs and Border Protection, has continued to mount, with more than 20,000 expected to seek entry this year.”

Sen. Rubio’s reaction to this situation was to call it “terrible.” But added that Cubans should not get special treatment. He stated, “If you are arriving at the U.S. border and you don’t have a visa to enter the country — and there is a visa for Cubans that is backlogged because we don’t have enough people there [to process] — it’s hard to differentiate from one country to another.” 

I know there are people in Miami, where I live, who are happy with Rubio’s and Trump’s actions. They feel that this new wave of Cubans is not “as good” as they are. Not of “the same class.” 

But the fact is that the majority of Cubans now living in Miami arrived here after 1980, and most have family still on the Island. It is time they realized that the seven Cuban American members of Congress, as well as Trump, could not care less what happens to their families or friends on the Island.  

It is also time to make them pay for it. 2020 sounds like a perfect time to start.