The pot calls the kettle black

The Trump administration continues to sternly warn the Cuban government that it is prohibited from supporting Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro. And I continue to wonder: Who died and made The Don and his mafia-styled minions in the White House god?

Or think of it this way. What if Cuba was big and powerful and spent more money on defense than the next 10 biggest spenders on earth put together while millions in their country went homeless, hungry, and without healthcare? And what if Cuba turned to the U.S. and told it that it was not allowed to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia or profit from their oil? And what if Cuba told the U.S. that the dollar was banned world-wide for their horrendous human rights record (or what do you call separating children from their parents and housing them in cages)?

How would the U.S. react to this imaginary big, powerful Cuba?

It is why my blood boils when earlier this week twice convicted felon and known to some as the Assistant Secretary to Dirty Wars, Elliott Abrams, who served as assistant secretary of state for human rights during the Reagan administration, and now serves as United States special envoy for Venezuela for the Trump administration, also threatened Cuba. 

Abrams is the felon who once pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about his help in organizing the covert financing of Contra rebels in Nicaragua behind the back of Congress. A covert funding that was achieved with the sale of drugs to our own citizens in the United States. 

Abrams who saw no wrong in his “human rights” department facilitating a massacre of a thousand men, women and children by U.S.-funded death squads in El Salvador. 

And an Abrams, who in 2002 was responsible for giving the green light, while serving as special Middle East adviser to former president George W. Bush, for the unsuccessful two-day coup against Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez. 

Then on Thursday, in a teleconference with journalists that was reported by the Miami Herald, a senior Trump official told the group that the “Cuban government could face ‘worse consequences’ for its actions in Venezuela.”

During the conference the official said, “What you’re going to see are incremental actions. Every action we had taken against the Cuban government has been specifically targeted on their financial networks, on their income, on their oil trade. All of that is going to become aggravated if they don’t cease their support for the destruction of democracy and the repression of the Venezuelan people.”

Adding, “If you don’t want to see worse consequences, now is the time to take a step back.” 

In other words, what the U.S. and its criminal administration is telling the Cubans is we will do anything and everything possible to sink the Island with all 11 million people in it. And when it’s underwater and drowned, they will exclaim: Good riddance!

But I also know how Cuba will react. You can blame Cuba for many things, but, and this is historically speaking, cowardice is not one of them. I am sure they will do as always when dealing with the U.S. who has tried to bend them over a barrel for centuries. 

There is this huge middle finger shooting the Americans a well-deserved bird. 

And this true story reminds me of the old idiom of the pot calling the kettle black.