RESPECT: A new association whose mission is ‘responsible and ethical’ travel to Cuba
As publisher and editor of Progreso Weekly and Semanal, I was informed recently of a new association called RESPECT that is being created and whose mission is the “responsible and ethical travel to Cuba. I immediately asked to join. What follows is the letter which was sent to me. At the bottom also, please find the founding principles of RESPECT.
Dear Friends,
Cuba has been an important part of our business and lives for years. It is no secret that rapid growth in the island’s tourism has placed strain on the existing infrastructure and poses threats to its cultural heritage, environment, society and economy. The Cuban government is working hard to mitigate negative outcomes with limited resources. In this struggle, we, as travel providers, have a part to play. We would like to participate in and support Cuban efforts to remain a sustainable destination. To this end, we write to ask you and your organization to join us in initiating a new association of U.S. Cuba travel providers dedicated to a mission of responsible and ethical travel to Cuba. With the beginning of daily commercial flights from the U.S. to several Cuban cities, time is of the essence.
Please find attached the principles for RESPECT (Responsible and Ethical Cuba Travel) for your review (At bottom, after this letter). Our goal is to find common ground among our diverse organizations and to set forth positive principles for ethical and socially responsible travel to the island.
In the fall, we plan to announce the new association and its principles and list all the founding members. We will also reach out to our Cuban colleagues and partners to let them know about our new association and ask them what we can do to help.
Over the next few months, we plan to share these principles with our networks and engage in discussions on how best to implement the principles and develop an active association that supports responsible and ethical travel to Cuba. We plan to incorporate the association and project guidelines and expectations of RESPECT members. There are no membership or initiation fees at this time.
Please reply to this email address and our new email address respect@respectassociation.org no later than September 30th.
We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
On behalf of RESPECT,
Steve Cox, Executive Director, International Expeditions
Bob Guild, Vice President, Marazul
Gail Reed, Executive Director, MEDICC
Kate Simpson, President, Academic Travel Abroad
Walter Turner, President, Global Exchange
Dan Whittle, Senior Director, Environmental Defense Fund
Responsible & Ethical Cuba Travel: An association of U.S. Travelers to Cuba
Mission Statement
RESPECT (Responsible and Ethical Cuba Travel) is a U.S. professional association uniting nonprofit entities, travel agents, tour operators and other travel service providers dedicated to practicing and promoting ethical and socially responsible travel to Cuba.
Members of the Association agree to uphold the following principles in organizing travel to Cuba:
- We understand that the opportunity to visit Cuba is a step towards promoting mutual understanding and learning, through firsthand respectful exchanges, contributing to more informed, pro-active and responsible global citizenship on the part of all concerned.
- We frame our Principles in the context of the internationally agreed-upon UN Sustainable Development Goals and respect for Cuba’s path to sustainable development, as determined by Cubans themselves. ((https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs, http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sdgoverview/post-2015-development-agenda.html)
- “First do no harm” – the cornerstone of medical ethics worldwide – is fundamental to the principles that guide our organizations and those who travel to Cuba with us, respecting historical sites and natural areas and leaving them as we find them without disturbing their peace and sanctity .
- We encourage our travelers – before they travel – to learn about Cuba and its history from a variety of sources, including Cuban sources.
- We are committed to transparency in our relations with all Cuban entities and people, accurately and honestly representing ourselves and our intentions.
- We affirm our commitment to respect all Cubans, without regard to skin color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, political persuasion, abilities or economic status.
- We are committed to upholding non-exploitative relationships with Cuban entities and people, and respect for policies and laws enacted to prevent discrimination and exploitation of all kinds.
- We promote health and respectful travel to Cuba and vehemently oppose “sex tourism” and associated businesses in any form, all of these prohibited by Cuban law.
- We are committed to support Cuba’s efforts to confront climate change and protect the environment, actively contributing to conservation of energy and water resources, as well as protection of urban and rural landscapes, flora, fauna, beached and marine life.
- We will respect the authenticity of Cuban culture, its heritage, multiple roots and manifestations, as well as the cultural contributions of the Cuban people to world culture. We will consciously help to care for and maintain the country’s UNESCO-identified World Heritage Sites and other monuments and sites that constitute part of Cuba’s cultural patrimony.
- We will abide by Cuban laws and regulations pertinent to our travel, including but not limited to immigration and customs regulations.
- We are committed to protecting the health of our travelers and the Cuban people, by doing our part to keep infectious diseases and prohibited drugs from entering Cuba.
- We encourage travelers to purchase products made in Cuba particularly from those who contribute to local development efforts, giving back to their communities.
- We uphold the rights of travelers and their hosts in Cuba to be treated with respect and dignity, and commit ourselves to addressing issues of concern in this area through established mechanisms between the Association and its Cuban counterparts, in a spirit of constructive dialogue and joint reflection.
- We believe all US citizens and residents have the right to travel to Cuba, and advocate lifting all US governmental travel restrictions to the island.
- As an Association, we encourage our members’ efforts to support travel to Cuba of modest means, making the island a destination for the many, not just the few.
- The Association supports Cuba’s contribution to the Caribbean as a zone of peace, and as a safe and peaceful destination for all travelers.
[Photo by Carlos Ernesto Escalona Martí / Kako]