Mario Diaz-Balart: Coward, fraud and traitor
They should overturn the 2020 election in Florida’s 25th congressional district. Mario Diaz-Balart deserves to be ousted. I say this because, although I have no proof, I can categorically assure you that U.S. Rep. Diaz-Balart and 125 of his friends stole the tens of thousands of dollars collected by members of his church that was to be used for Christmas toys and gifts for less fortunate children whose parents are parishioners. I have zero proof of what I just accused Diaz-Balart of, but me and a bunch of my friends cannot stand Mario, and since we’ve not been able to beat him at the polls, we’ve decided to drum up lies about him in order to have him removed from his congressional seat.
The fact is that there are dozens of good reasons for South Floridians to rid themselves of Mario Diaz-Balart as a member of congress. But the above-mentioned fabricated story is not one of them. But good reasons do abound. For example, in a district with almost 100,000 constituents receiving health care insurance at affordable prices via the Affordable Care Act (or Obamacare as many refer to it), Mario has voted numerous times (including during the pandemic) to repeal it with no intentions of replacing it with anything — leaving these persons without healthcare. Mario, it turns out, receives large contribution$ from the medical insurance industrial complex, which would love to see the ACA disappear.
Then there’s the case of the 17 human lives gunned down at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in 2018. Right after this gruesome incident calls, once again, went out for sensible gun control, especially when dealing with assault weapons. Mario, whose district is adjacent to where the high school is located, stayed silent and overlooked the death of children in favor of his A rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the thousand of dollars they funnel to his campaigns yearly. The NRA, you see, opposes ANY type of gun control.
Mario, in fact, has little or no respect for constituents he pretends to serve in Washington, DC. Or what shall we call the decision in 2011 to abandon his congressional district in order to take over a ‘much safer one’ vacated by his older brother who was leaving congress for what he claimed would be a new project dedicated to Cuba’s freedom? (Ridding ourselves of Lincoln happened to have been a good thing. As for the Cuba freedom project… at the time of his retirement from the House of Representatives, Lincoln was mired in a controversial money exchange in Puerto Rico that might have caused him his own freedom.)
But back to Mario. The guy’s focus is not in serving constituents, but in getting reelected and the gravy train political office in Washington, DC, offers.
There are so many other such examples of why Mario Diaz-Balart does not deserve his place in congress. But in that sense, he is very much like his new master, Donald Trump. But as horrible a legislator that he is does not allow me the right to make up lies about him in order to remove him from his congressional seat. That is the job of the voters.
Which brings me to Mario’s latest and most egregious venture into his style of politics. As reported by almost every news source in the country, in this case Rolling Stone: Mario was among the “one hundred and twenty-six House Republicans, more than half the caucus, [who] have signed onto an amicus brief in a Texas lawsuit that is asking the courts to invalidate millions of votes from four swing states won by President-elect Joe Biden. Despite there being no evidence of widespread voter fraud, these elected officials joined the Texas attorney general in asking the Supreme Court to reject the certified election results from Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin.”
Last week the U.S. Supreme Court, with three of its nine members appointed by Donald Trump, rejected the Texas lawsuit claiming it lacked standing. As explained in The New York Times: “Texas’ lawsuit, filed directly in the Supreme Court, challenged election procedures in four states: Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. It asked the court to bar those states from casting their electoral votes for Mr. Biden and to shift the selection of electors to the states’ legislatures. That would have required the justices to throw out millions of votes.”
In other words, what Mario Diaz-Balart had signed on to do was to illegally overturn an election for president led by a group of treacherous Republican legislators, all under the spell of Trump, or some simply terrified of the outgoing president’s base of voters. All because Trump hates to be called a loser, and for that reason resorts to anything and everything, including lying and cheating, in order to win.
Some have referred to this move by Republicans like Mario Diaz-Balart as an act of sedition; that these legislators should be removed from office for it. That’s for the congress to take up, but what must be underlined is that this South Florida lawmaker, member of a family that for decades has pounded its collective chest claiming to have come to this country in search of democracy, was willing to throw out millions of legitimate votes just so that they could subvert that same democracy they claim to love and hand Donald Trump a victory on an election he lost by more than seven million votes.
Mario Diaz-Balart is up for reelection in 2022. If he wins again, it will be our fault. But the fact is we shall have voted for a coward and a traitor. And a person who has never cared for the people he supposedly represents.