At least 22,000 Americans aged 65 and older had a part of their Social Security benefits garnished last year to the point that their monthly benefits were below federal poverty… Read More...
On Thursday President Obama received bad news on the political front. A survey conducted overnight by The Washington Post and ABC News shows him slipping among a coalition of groups… Read More...
Today, in 2014, two of the Five are free. They completed their sentences in full and returned to Cuba. The other three are still in prison. The Cuban people and government continue to… Read More...
On Wednesday night, Sept. 10, only hours before the U.S. would commemorate the fateful attacks on the Twin Towers in New York City 13 years ago, President Barack Obama announced that… Read More...
To rescue from eternal oblivion the undocumented immigrants who died in the Sept. 11, 2001 attack against the World Trade Center was the difficult mission that Joel Magallán and the… Read More...
The damage to Cuban foreign trade between April 2013 and June 2014 amounted to $3.9 billion, the report said, adding that without the embargo, Cuba could have earned $205.8 million… Read More...
Congressman Raul Grijalva released a statement critical of President Obama for delaying the executive action addressing the broken immigration system until after the November elections. Read More...
The secretary general of the Organization of American States, José Miguel Insulza, said on Thursday (Sept. 4) that "there is no legal reason" why Cuba should be prevented from attending… Read More...
The Washington Post is reporting that the president “will not announce any plans to take executive action to change immigration policy until after the November elections.” Read More...