El Estado Cubano no puede vender divisas porque los que las tienen apenas se las entregan, pero a su vez casi todo lo que se regula desestimula la entrega de divisas al Estado. Read More...
“Saviorless” is a 2D game with hand-drawn illustrations that invites players into a dark fantasy world to unravel the mystery of the “Islands of Smiles.” Read More...
It is part of a project backed by the World Food Programme to support smallholder farmers in better responding to climate challenges and growing food demand. Read More...
In the last two years, more than 600,000 people emigrated from Cuba to the United States, and another significant number did so to different countries. Read More...
En los dos últimos años emigraron de Cuba hacia Estados Unidos más de 600 mil personas y otro número significativo lo hizo hacia diferentes países. Read More...