Sen. George Lang said at a rally, "I'm afraid if we lose this one, it's going to take a civil war to save the country, and it will be saved." Read More...
Human rights campaigners warned that hateful laws and policies will only spread if not challenged. And to take action against DeSantis' vicious attacks. Read More...
Mostrando una “crueldad punitiva” hacia los residentes de Florida que trabajan al aire libre, la Cámara estatal controlada por los republicanos aprobó el viernes un proyecto de ley que… Read More...
Displaying "punitive cruelty" toward outdoor workers, the House approved a bill banning a requirement that workplaces provide water breaks and other cooling measures. Read More...
Former U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich noted that "no person has done more in living memory to undermine the functioning of the U.S. government" than McConnell. Read More...
"In the view of the administration and a majority of members of Congress, some emergencies count more than others," wrote one policy analyst. Read More...
Junto con las persistentes protestas en eventos públicos celebrados por el presidente estadounidense Joe Biden y la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris, las encuestas recientes demuestran… Read More...