In fascist states, corporations and wealthy individuals fall all over themselves to gain the favor of the fascist strongman leader or they lose out big. Read More...
Donald Trump is the living image of a showy exploiter, adored by the exploited. He is a liar whom many want to believe, because he feeds their worst instincts. Read More...
Donald Trump es la imagen viva de un ostentoso explotador, adorado por los explotados. Es un mentiroso al que muchos quieren creer, porque alimenta sus peores instintos. Read More...
Many explanations have been offered for Trump's victory. One unexplored angle is his continued rise as a cult leader whose appeal has extended to Black and Latino men. Read More...
"I will govern by a simple model," said Trump, whose campaign was bankrolled in part by the world's richest man. "Promises made, promises kept." Read More...
Trump's campaign rally this weekend was a torrent of bigotry and fascistic rhetoric casting political opponents as a satanic "enemy from within." Read More...
Donald Trump has been found by a jury of his peers guilty of numerous crimes. And he’s a whisker away from the presidency. How is this even possible? Read More...