Random thoughts of a pissed-off citizen

I feel anger and rage. I try to imagine being a black man in America. I wonder how I would feel then. And wonder how I would express that anger and rage I feel.

When is enough going to really be enough? A question I’ve asked myself over the past week. I’ve concluded, without a doubt in my mind, that there are no good cops… until we rid police departments of bad ones. 

I hear the retorts: There are many fine police men and women, and that I should not generalize… because of a few bad ones. 

Police men and women in all departments often know who the bad cops are. They know who steals; they’re aware of who beats up people on the streets; who is being paid off… But there is an unwritten law that states that no police officer shall report on a colleague’s errors, misconducts, or crimes, including police brutality. It is known as the blue wall of silence. 

So police departments across the U.S. have thousands of cops — all good men and women, husbands and wives with beautiful children going to school and struggling like most everyone else — who keep their mouths shut in spite of their awareness of bad cops in their ranks, and all because of that blue wall. 

I believe these, also, ARE bad cops. Maybe not murderers like Derek Chauvin and the three other Minneapolis police officers who knelt on George Floyd’s neck for more than eight minutes. But they ARE bad cops…

The day I change my mind is when police departments around the country, and the police unions that represent these persons, come out publicly and admit wrongdoing within police departments. These persons must come out and state that starting now, good police men and women will NOT stand for thug police men and women within their ranks. 

Who is doing the looting?

This past weekend there was looting in Miami. And destruction. Even fires and burnt police vehicles. 

What was the message from Miami politicians? They went out of their way to commend the fine work of police personnel for their handling of the rebellious citizens. Yes, there were a handful of bad actors who did destroy and loot. 

But I keep comparing this looting to a thought offered in a tweet by a Davey D that stated: “I gotta be honest the worst looting I’ve ever seen take place happened a few weeks ago when corporations collected over 500 billion dollars in stimulus money while everyone else was left with a $1200 dollar check and having to decide if they pay for food or rent…”

I wish these persons in their ivory towers would take the time to consider this truth. And start comparing the actions of police departments they lead with those of mostly good people trying to make ends meet. As for the mayor, commissioners and others wielding a certain power over their citizens: Enough of the blah, blah, blah… 

Marco Rubio

Trump’s Little Marco. One of David Rivera’s best buddies. The Florida senator who has yet to address the issue of Rivera’s flirting with the millions offered (and taken) from Maduro’s Venezuelan petroleum money. Marco says he has not been in touch with Rivera. Phone records and texts prove that he is lying.

And what of his reaction to the murder of a black man in Minneapolis? My interpretation: Screw the black dude! Rubio was trying to look good to the people who elect him, the ones he fools into believing he’s smart and out for the good of (a certain) America. 

Here are some of his words after briefly addressing the murder and the rebellious attitude of some in the crowds around the country: 

“These people are violent, domestic extremists and they range from Antifa groups who are radical to the left to some other groups, radical to the right. In fact, groups that I would argue don’t even belong on the political spectrum as we know it.

“And their goal, while they are ideologically opposed to each other … they hate the police, they hate the government, and they want this country to fall apart … some of them want a Second Civil War.” 

This little man (and I am not addressing his stature, but how he measures up as a human being) could honestly care less about “those people.” He cares little about the systemic killing of (mostly) black men in this country. He seems to have forgotten that George Floyd’s knee-lynching was not the only horrendous act perpetrated on innocent black citizens in the past few months. He seems to overlook the black jogger killed by a former policeman and his son in Georgia for “jogging while black.” Or the Louisville black woman shot eight times by police for “sleeping while black.” And who knows how many other cases of innocent human beings considered unworthy of compassion and humanity who have been harassed, and worse, by police officers because they are black, or poor, or Latino.

I do feel defeatism coming on, but I will not allow it to overtake me. In my anger and my rage I have only one solution for these problems; I know it does not measure up, but it’s the only one I have: We must all register to vote. 

And when it is time to vote, make sure we vote these bums (starting with the president of the United States) out of office. Let us help change this country — one good person at a time.