‘Poor are the people who need a lot’ (+ Video)


Called the “world’s poorest president” by many in the media, President Jose ‘Pepe’ Mujica, of Uruguay, has captured most of the world’s attention by his actions, and also his words.

Speaking of the fact that he lives like a poor man, Mujica reacted by stating, “I am not a poor president; I am an austere president.” These and other statements were offered during a 10-minute national TV interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour (shown above).

President Mujica cited Seneca*, who he says said, “Poor are the people who need a lot.”

The more I hear this man speak, the more I am attracted by the reality of his 21stcentury politics. In fact, I would refer to him as the only true modern day politician. All the others seem to be attached to the 20th century.

The world needs more Pepe Mujicas.

* A philosopher, writer, orator and statesman, Seneca (4 BC – 65 AD) was Rome’s leading intellectual during the middle of the first century AD.