Chanting, “Feds stay clear! Moms are here!” groups of women congregated in Central Portland and were met with tear gas, flashbangs, and pepper round bullets, injuring many. Read More...
"Dr. Fauci is one of the finest public servants we have ever had. He is not partisan. His only interest is saving lives." Words uttered by Lynne Cheney, Mr. Trump... Read More...
“One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear,” said the commander in chief. In the meantime more than 135,000 Americans have died under his failed leadership. Read More...
The U.S. has the closest thing in its history to a mad monarch who has brought misery upon its people through cruelty, bad governance, and a distorted sense of reality. Read More...
“It’s a false narrative,” said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci about the idea that the relatively low number of COVID- 19 deaths lately is a reason to take comfort. Read More...
This is disorder by design. The incompetence of this administration and Donald Trump’s ignorance is only a part of it. The Republican-Trump ideology is the main culprit. Read More...
Trump and the Republicans are trying to dismantle Obamacare while using the pandemic to reward friends and family with millions of disaster relief taxpayer dollars. Read More...
Sanders ran a campaign to win the presidency. Biden, and the establishment that willed him to victory, ran one for the Democratic nomination. Read More...