If President Trump dies from the coronavirus that has killed more than 200,000 Americans, the man replacing him will be no less dangerous. Read More...
Denial has been the default mode in the Trump administration on everything, from climate change to systemic racism to the coronavirus pandemic. Read More...
The former First Lady lashed out at President Trump for his "willful mismanagement" of the pandemic and called him a racist for opposing the peaceful racial solidarity movement. Read More...
In the lead up to the 2020 presidential election, potential civil unrest and worse has been predicted by multiple governmental agencies and assorted federal outfits. Read More...
Determined by the existing political polarization, where the positions of each side are located in the antipodes, everything would be different if the Democrats win the election. Read More...
The behavior of Trump made me wander once again how it is he has any supporters. Obnoxiousness is an almost universally and reflexively disliked character trait. Read More...
It was a performance which should convince enough Americans that this man is dangerous, not only to the rest of the world, but to U.S. citizens he is supposed to be protecting.
The Herald's Nora Gámez knows better. The least she could have done in her article is give Progreso Weekly the credit for the information she offers. Read More...