Historically, presidential candidates have calculated that they cannot alienate Cuban-American 'super voters.' I question this political calculus. Read More...
39 other companies paid no federal corporate tax during the three-year period, in which they collectively reaped over $120 billion in profits. Read More...
Except for a handful of Republicans on their way to being drummed out of the party, the GOP is a fascist, totalitarian party. Purges are commonplace in these kinds of regimes.
Reality has finally dealt the climate-denialist mindset a terminal blow but there are many nearly as dangerous forms of denialism alive all over the heartland. Read More...
Biden administration statements on the unrest in Cuba were notable for what they did not mention: the blockade and the 243 new measures imposed on the Island. Read More...
At a press conference Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said people who attempt to leave Cuba and Haiti via boat will be intercepted by the U.S. Coast Guard and turned… Read More...