Donald Trump may be too ignorant to realize that if not for protests there would not have been an American Revolution, and therefore a United States. Read More...
Insisting that we vote in the upcoming elections and calling the stakes high, the former president said, “You need to vote because our democracy depends on it.” Read More...
Only a slip-up by our parliamentarians can explain how they've missed an essential word in the project of the new Constitution being discussed in Cuba. Read More...
The new Magna Carta proposes transformations in a group of key areas of the country's economic, political and social lives. One of the aspects that stands out with experts and ordinary… Read More...
Donald Trump, no more than a minuscule human being, this week could not overcome his aversion to Sen. John McCain long enough to deliver what everyone expects from the nation’s leader. Read More...
Andrew Gillum, the progressive 39-year-old mayor of Tallahassee, won the Democratic primary in Florida. Some had called his journey an impossible quest. Read More...
The U.S. Department of State recently lowered its danger alert on travel to Cuba. The move is intended to rectify, in part, a policy that has been opposed by a majority of persons… Read More...
The cause of the reported "sonic attacks" in Cuba remains a mystery unless you believe the scientists from the University of Pennsylvania who call the phenomenon a case of "mass… Read More...
They tell us a ‘blue wave’ is coming. But there's also the fear of a toxic red tide that not only infests the waters that surround Florida, but also the politics of hate and division. Read More...