It could be said that from enjoying the most privileged status of Third World immigrants, the Cuban migrant has become one of the least favored by U.S. policy. Read More...
Fair is foul and foul is fair: The GOP is trying to invent a new electoral system based on systematic cheating while giving the appearance of fairness. Read More...
Informed of an invitation to Gov. DeSantis to be keynote speaker at a conference where he would be participating, Kurzban drew a red line, and won. Read More...
From the Covid disaster we should have learned that dealing with a big crisis under the rules of a savage type of capitalism spells disaster, but we are ignoring the lesson. Read More...
The war in Ukraine forces a clear-eyed and informed analysis on those who fight for social justice, defend freedom and democracy, oppose war, and value national independence. Read More...
Miami, a city where if you scare Cubans into believing that communists are taking over, the results are a get out of jail card and reelection, every time. Read More...