Reflections by comrade Fidel
Three days ago, in the evening of Thursday 25th, I wrote in my Reflections: "We do not know what will happen tonight or tomorrow in Honduras, but the… Read More...
By Jorge Gómez Barata
Social revolutions respond to historical needs and their nature is determined by the tasks they perform, the forces that compel them, and the regimes they help… Read More...
From Havana
By Manuel Alberto Ramy
The daily Granma had some good news in its issue of Wednesday, June 17. Under the headline "Farmers Guarantee High Volume of Milk Production," an… Read More...
By Alberto Faya
I visited the United States for the first time little over 31 years ago. It was a trip that had been on my mind since childhood. It was also an encounter with myself,… Read More...
By Tay Toscano Jerez
Radio Cadena Agramonte
What happened to the intelligence? What happened to the sense of justice in the US Empire?
And what about the discernment capability of the…
By Elíades Acosta Matos
Like rivulets of water that return to the earth, the Cubans who return to their homeland to rejoin their relatives spread throughout the island. The absurd… Read More...
By Jorge Gómez Barata
Although not mentioned in the national press, an intense exchange of ideas is taking place in Cuban society regarding the present political situation, marked… Read More...
By Germán Piniella
Although I refuted Rolando Castañeda’s and Lorenzo Cañizares’ first piece (“President Obama, his latent example and inspiration for Cuba”) with… Read More...
By Jesús Arencibia Lorenzo
From Juventud Rebelde, May 31, 2009
An elderly friend, whom I much esteem, firmly believes that the country's insufficiencies would be… Read More...
By Luis Sexto
Let us begin with a personal story: I could have been a victim of Peter Pan. And that operation, described in Miami as the biggest child exodus in the West, is also… Read More...