Tuesday is Election Day in Florida; a primary that will decide who Democrats and Republicans choose to represent them in the November general elections. Make sure you vote. Read More...
They tell us a ‘blue wave’ is coming. But there's also the fear of a toxic red tide that not only infests the waters that surround Florida, but also the politics of hate and division. Read More...
Vote! And if you’re not registered, then register to vote for the November elections. If you don’t think it’s important, then you haven’t been looking around to see what is happening.
2018 has not been a good year for political dynasties from the Miami area. And it turns out that Mario Diaz-Balart may be running scared in his quest to retain his seat against Mary… Read More...
There are solutions to the problems we face in this country. And there is great hope. Although if you listen to the Trumpsters and other Republicans, they will sell you fear and hate,… Read More...
People are fed up with politics as usual. It is time for Democrats in Florida, and the U.S. for that matter, to realize that they must become the Party of the many, not a… Read More...
The too many stories of children, some in cages, held prisoner in concentration camps here in the United States is not so unusual in 2018. Have we become so jaded, too busy looking down… Read More...
Cubans have this great expression that uses the word ‘botella,’ which means bottle. In slang the word can be used differently. In the case of former Miami mayor Tomás Regalado, his… Read More...
Most current members of Congress have no idea what daunting challenges are ahead for this country. And if they were aware, they could care less. They’re more interested in pleasing… Read More...