Who’s the idiot?
I have seen comments about Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling her ignorant, stupid and an idiot. I have heard celebrities and others ask her to sit down and shut up and “learn the game”.
The problem is that she doesn’t want to “learn the game” ad that’s why she was elected. Her constituents are tired of “the game”. They are tired of the status quo. They are tired of business as usual and they wanted someone who was going to hit the ground running and try to make things happen instead of playing footsie an compromising.
As far as her intellect is concerned, this so-called “idiot” won second prize in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair with a microbiology research project on the effect of antioxidants on the lifespan of the nematode C. elegans. In a show of appreciation for her efforts, the International Astronomical Union named a small asteroid after her: 23238 Ocasio-Cortez. In high school, she took part in the National Hispanic Institute’s Lorenzo de Zavala (LDZ) Youth Legislative Session. She later became the LDZ Secretary of State while she attended Boston University. Ocasio-Cortez had a John F. Lopez Fellowship. During college, she served as an intern in the immigration office during the final year of U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy’s tenure.
She graduated cum laude from Boston University’s College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.
Paul Ryan was hailed a genius when he was elected to Congress at the same age, yet he has a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio and was hardly distinguished as a student.
And the Orange Man in the Oval Office was a mediocre student, a draft dodger, and a man with several failed business ventures and the inability to complete sentences or spell simple words. Who’s the idiot?
Is it because she is a woman? Is it because she is a Latina? Is it because she is Bronx strong?
(From the Guy Sanders Facebook page)