Tipping my hat to who represents the spirit of Progreso Weekly

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my hat to who represents the spirit of Progreso Weekly

Alvaro F. Fernandez


come to the end of 2007. Are we ready to take on 2008 with the
dynamism it will require? My heart tells me this coming year will
turn out to be the most important political year of my life.

is time for much needed change. Only our actions and participation
can bring it about. I pray we are ready.

would like to dedicate this last column of the year to three people
who work with much love, week in and week out, to produce Progreso
Weekly. Before I tell you about them, though, I would also like to
acknowledge and thank so many who assure that this high quality
internet publication shows up every Thursday morning at
ProgresoWeekly.com. You know who you are; I thank all of you for
contributing to make this magazine the best it can be.

three persons I will mention represent the spirit of Progreso Weekly.
Ours is a magazine produced with more talent and love than money —
qualities hard to find these days. But the lack of a worthy
remuneration has never kept any member of the Progreso Weekly family
from going the extra mile when that effort is needed. Manuel Alberto
Ramy and German Piniella in Havana and Emilio Paz right here in Miami
are those kind of people. All three are consummate professionals.

2007, the finest reporting and commentary coming out of Havana
belonged to Manuel Alberto Ramy. His friends call him Titi. Nobody
has done a better job — I include any journalist from any large
publication and media outlet. He
our most valuable asset.

assistant to the editor in Havana, German does not fall far behind.
He is our Cuban version of the Wikipedia. We make errors and he
manages to catch them and correct us. German works so hard at times,
doctors in Havana had to slow him down earlier this year.

there’s Emilio. He’s our field general. Keeps us on the straight
and narrow. You may never see him; he’s a recluse. I kid him about
it. But he’s always working and looking around for the next story.
And although he may not be on anybody’s ‘A’ list, this guy’s
got more sources than most.

three work with old computers. I know… they are constantly breaking
down. Amazingly, in a world of broad band, these three still use the
telephone for their internet access. Titi and German have no other
option. Emilio is just an old-fashioned type.

you go. The fact I mentioned them does not in the least diminish the
work done by so many others. Ours is a team concept — which has kept
us afloat for all these years.

forward I can promise you bigger and better things for Progreso
Weekly. We’re always coming up with ways to improve. In the coming
months you will see new additions to the magazine. It’s amazing
what is produced with limited staff and resources. It’s the reason
for our continuous, and oftentimes tremendous, growth.

to our readers, we thank you and hope 2008 brings you many good
things. As I mentioned at the beginning, — next year
important. Your participation will be required. The future is ours to
decide. Let us not leave it to others.

the holidays! See you again on January 10