Reflections by the Commander in Chief

Reflections by the Commander in Chief

The value of ideas                                           Read Spanish Version

was a man of ideas.

It would have caused him profound pain to
hear the speeches that, expressing traditional leftist positions,
were delivered at the Latin American Summit held in Santiago de

The Right also assumed traditional stances and made
intelligent concessions to the supposed Left.

Che would have
been proud of the statements made by several revolutionary and
courageous leaders, regardless of the little or great deal of
political experience any of them may have.

Experience is the
mother of science and of ideas.

It was from the battles waged
by a handful of Cuban combatants in an area of the Sierra Maestra,
against forces that were vastly superior in number and weapons, that
Che drew the ideas he later synthesized in his book Guerrilla

Chávez leveled devastating criticisms at
Europe, the same Europe that pretended to offer lessons on good
governance at this Latin American Summit.

The voices of
Sandino and of the millennium-old cultures of this hemisphere could
be heard in the words of Daniel and Evo.

The speech delivered
by the President of El Salvador at this Summit is

Capitalism is a system governed by blind,
destructive and tyrannical laws that have been imposed on the human

Dedicating the next Summit to the young people of
Latin America was an unpalatable mixture of hypocrisy and lies, aimed
at inculcating the minds of peoples with conditioned reflexes.

Castro Ruz

10, 2007