The sharks

By Varela

The Rasmussen daily tracking poll of Tuesday, May 4, puts republican deserter now independent, our distinguished Charlie Crist, at 38 percentage points. That’s over republican pretty boy, Marco Rubio, who tallies a 34 and democrat Kendrick Meek with 17.

Then on Wednesday the 5th, Bush the smart one (I am referring to Jeb; the not so smart one is George W. and George the father is somewhere in between) has come out in his defense and has publicly endorsed his candidacy. That in itself is a mouth to mouth for Rubio. Not because of what some may say, but because many suspect that Rubio is a creation of Jeb himself and he cannot allow him to die politically, at least not so easily.

Bush the smart one comes from the dark days of real estate, alongside Armando Codina, with contacts — even darker — such as Miguel Recarey, he of the clinics, our first local delinquent to have defrauded our health care system, who fled to Spain. The same Bush who in 1989 administered a most controversial campaign for Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. And the Bush who in 2000, from his position as head man of Florida, ordered that a recount of the presidential election in the state find hanging chads and not so straight lines that gave his brother a victory over Al Gore by 500 votes. All so that our national economy, which at the time had the greatest surplus in half a century, suffer its worst mess-up in 100 years.

Well, this Jeb wants us to now believe that Rubio will change the congress and is the only politician currently who tells the truth, who does not cheat, who does not deviate funds for his personal life, and that he is the man who will know how to care for our economy.

With Rubio down in the polls, Bush the smart one’s support almost becomes a hot potato that Rubio does not need in his hands. But the fact is that Rubio cares little for morals, it’s all about the money.

With Crist’s desertion as a republican, many democrats have sidetracked their support for Meek to offer it to the current Florida governor.

It occurs to me that the public hand dealt little Marco by Jeb can result in only two things: a screw to his foot that might leave him nailed and immobile… or a rocket up the butt which may put him out of orbit, way beyond the campaign.

No longer do people believe in Jeb. The Bush clan is like sharks who paint their fins to look like the American flag.