The Gran March for Social, Climate and Environmental Justice in Mexico City.

Early rising desde D.F., Mexico City. Today we start the 1 day of the 2nd Caravan with Via Campesina, from D.F. to Cancun. I have A LOT to catch folks up on in the past two days. So many communities along the journey from Acapulco to D.F.,  that welcomed, loved, and shared struggle with us. As soon as I get a moment to write (and have internet access)…so much to tell.

Si! Zapata Vive, La Lucha Sigue!

From five to ten thousand marchers came as representatives of communities from throughout Mexico, including from around the world marched together for Climate Justice. It was powerful “la lucha y fuerza” of the people. We marched to the Zocalo, reclaimed La Avenida de La Reforma, which is a very important symbolism because it was constructed during the regime of Porfrio Diaz.