Supreme Court will not hear Cuban 5 case



Earlier today the Supreme Court announced it would not be reviewing the case of the Cuban 5. Associated Press reported that the justices left in place the convictions of the “Five” despite calls from Nobel Prize winners and international groups to review the case.

The five — Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, Rene Gonzalez and Gerardo Hernandez — were convicted on charges of acting as unregistered Cuban agents in the United States and of espionage conspiracy for attempting to penetrate U.S. military bases.

Hernandez was also convicted of murder conspiracy in the deaths of four Miami-based pilots whose planes, part of the Brothers to the Rescue organization, were shot down by Cuban fighter jets in 1996 off the island’s coast.

In his Progreso Semanal blog (Borrador de un corresponsal) Progreso correspondent in Havana, Manuel Alberto Ramy, wrote that the decision did not surprise Gerardo Hernandez, who has been given a life sentence.

“I have no faith in the justice system of the U.S.,” said Herandez and assured that he and his compatriots will continue “to resist until justice is done.”

All five have already served more than 10 years in prison accused and convicted of spying in a case that was tried in Miami, FL, which was plagued with irregularities.

Alvaro F. Fernandez 6/14/2009 3:10 p.m.