Standing in the way of change in Cuba

Tomas Bilbao                                                                 
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letter appeared in The Miami Herald of Saturday, December 13.

support for the U.S. embargo of Cuba and calls for a new approach
have pushed supporters of our failed and outdated policies to
redouble efforts to sell recycled arguments.

argument goes that, because three Cuban-American representatives from
South Florida were reelected to Congress, Cuban Americans support
their hard-line views despite what polls show. This implies that
voters only care about one issue: isolating Cuba. However, voters are
more interested in the economy, job creation, healthcare and

poll trends are real. They are backed by data with statistically
relevant samples over a period of years during which various
organizations, academic institutions and polling firms have arrived
at the same conclusion: The exile community is changing.

is not surprising that hard-liners refuse to accept this fact. They
say the polls’ true purpose is to divide the community. These charges
also are favorites of hard-liners on the other side of the straits.
They are threatened by challenges to their beliefs and launch
character attacks against those who contradict them.

is regrettable behavior, and the Cuban regime does not hold a
monopoly on it. Hard-liners here demand respect for freedom of
expression and democracy in Cuba as a condition for the lifting of
U.S. sanctions, while they attack, attempt to intimidate and block
government funding and access from those who dare think for

do not doubt that these exiles want Cuba to be free. Just like those
whom they criticize, they want Cubans to live more prosperous and
free lives. Unfortunately, their actions and words delay the
processes of change in Cuba and set the wrong example for our
brothers and sisters on the island.

is coming to Cuba and to U.S. policy. A window of opportunity has
opened on both sides of the straits. While it remains to be seen if
Cuba’s leaders will take advantage of it, U.S. policymakers have
already expressed a willingness to move in a more-constructive
direction. It is time for hard-liners in the United States and Cuba
to decide whether they want to stand in the way of a better future
for all Cubans by holding on to sacred cows and stubborn egos.

they will accept what a majority of Cubans in both countries already
know: The policies of the past 50 years have not worked, and
solutions to big problems require bold steps, constrained egos and
creative thinking. After all, Cuba will change only when Cubans on
both sides are ready to embrace it.

Bilbao is executive director of the
Study Group, Washington, D.C.