Senators will be voting tomorrow morning on the DREAM Act.

Thank you the Latin America Working Group for sharing this action alert below. This is it! We’ve been waiting too long for this vote on the Dream Act, time to make it a reality.

This is it.  Your Senators will be voting tomorrow morning on the DREAM Act. We need your help to make sure we get the 60 Senate votes to make the DREAM Act a reality.

Please call your Senators now and urge them to support the DREAM Act (S.3992)!

Find your Senator’s contact information here, or click here to be directly connected. 

The DREAM Act passed in the House of Representatives last week, so tomorrow (yes, Saturday) morning’s Senate vote is the next step in moving the DREAM Act to President Obama’s desk to be signed into law.

Every call counts, especially when the votes are close. Please take a minute to make your call NOW! 

Senators in each and every state need to hear from us!  However, if you live in Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, Utah or West Virginia, please urge five friends to call as well!