Sen. Alex Diaz de la Portilla acts scary towards wife

And here’s some of the news that has yet to be reported in Miami. This is taken from the Eye on Miami blog and written by Genius of Despair.

Alex Diaz de la Portilla

Alvaro F. Fernandez

Senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla’s Wife Gets an Order of Protection

Claudia Davant, wife of State Senator Alex Diaz de la Portilla — Majority (Republican) Leader, was granted a temporary injunction for protection against domestic violence on Friday in Leon County.
She said in her statement:
”My husband is capable of doing anything, including great bodily harm to me, because of the divorce case and criminal investigations in which I am a witness.” She also said that he can be “extremely explosive and violent.” and that he said that he “isn’t scared of the Court or cops, and will finish this his way.”