Rubio a big spender as well as big fund-raiser in U.S. Senate race

By Michael C. Bender

From the Palm Beach Post

Republican Marco Rubio collected $4.3 million from April 1 to June 30, a record for a U.S. Senate candidate in Florida. But he spent $4 million during the same period.


Since Rubio started raising money in February 2009, he’s spent 63 percent of every dollar he’s collected.


Rubio’s campaign … spent $153,000 on hotels, plane tickets and rental cars last quarter, including a $601 bill at the Luxe Hotel on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

Food and beverage cost the campaign $32,000, including $2,770 to cater an event at the Pelican Yacht Club in Fort Pierce.

There were $115,000 in credit card payments, $38,000 in bank and credit card fees and $188,000 in payroll expenses.

Rubio’s political opponents have previously tried to label him as a “big-spending politician” by pointing to his personal use of state party credit cards and his double-billing of state taxpayers for flights when he was Florida House speaker.

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