Reforms manager is given third duty: minister
As already stated publicly, the implementation of the Guideline for the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and Revolution is entering the most complex and deep issues.
To carry out this task it becomes necessary to harmonize and integrate to a higher level the process of actualization of the economic model and planning as a principle of the management of the nation’s economy.
In view of this objective, the Council of State, at the proposal of its president [Raúl Castro], agreed to liberate comrade Adel Izquierdo Rodríguez from the post of Minister of the Economy and Planning and to appoint in his place comrade Marino Murillo Jorge, who will continue to perform his duties as Vice President of the Government and head of the Permanent Commission for Implementation and Development.
In the interest of contributing to this purpose, comrade Adel Izquierdo Rodríguez, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, has been appointed First Vice Minister of the Ministry of the Economy and Planning, a post he occupied prior to his designation as Minister of that organization.