Red wave sweeps the U.S.
A red wave swept the U.S. political landscape as republicans scored major victories gaining a majority in the U.S. Senate during midterm elections held Tuesday night. At 11:19 p.m. republicans held 50 seats in the senate. They needed at least 51 for control and were expected to get it. Republicans will now have a majority in both the U.S. House and Senate.
In Florida, Republican Gov. Rick Scott won a narrow victory against challenger and former governor Charlie Crist. Rep. Joe Garcia, a Democrat, lost a close race against Republican challenger Carlos Curbelo in District 25 to round out what was a terrible night for democrats.
Florida’s medical marijuana amendment, closely watched nationally, garnered a majority of the votes in the state but still lost. Florida requires 60 percent voter approval on constitutional amendments and Amendment 2 (medical marijuana) received 57 percent.
Voter turnout in Florida was less than 50 percent, with Miami-Dade county voters turning out at under 40 percent.