Quick update from the road to Climate Justice.

I was able to quickly upload the interview I did with Emiliano Zapata Salazar’s grandson…

Si, Zapata Vive, La Lucha Sigue!

Finally got a brief internet connection after a 16 hour bus ride from Puebla to Ixhuatlan, there were political road blocks throughout the country, including the freeway the caravans were traveling on. So we had to sit it out. We put all the food we had on the bus together, just in case we had to stay the evening on the bus. It was said the blockades of freeways in three different parts of Mexico, where for a number of different causes , including freeing political prisoners and to stop a “super” highway from being build that would displace people from their homes and destroy the environment. We finally arrived to the community hall in the town of Ixhuatlan, south of Veracruz, where they had food and cold showers waiting for us. We travel to Merida tonight. We are traveling with indigenous campesinos from all over Mexico. I will try to post more in the next stop (hopefully with a connection).

We will have another evening sleeping on the bus. It has been a journey of many songs, laughs, tears, stories, and sharing/learning of struggle. I am humbled by the “fuerza” of the people I have met throughout Mexico in our caravan visits. We have met communities that have been displaced by foreign-bought privatization of their country, dams that drain communities of water, communities sickened and poisoned by toxic contamination that was left after a U.S. owned company closed their factory. The contamination has caused high numbers of the community to have cancer, children to have learning disabilities, and women to miscarry at high levels. This is wrong. These people demand justice! I stand and act in solidarity. We demand real solutions to the crisis of climate change.