Progreso Weekly/Semanal breaks the 3 million hit barrier in April
By Alvaro F. Fernandez
3,338,306: This is the number of hits Progreso Weekly and Semanal received in April. In other words, more than 111,000 hits per day. Which represents almost 5,000 hits per hour of the day if we were to divide our hits evenly by hours by each day of the month.
I had to make note of this number for a simple reason. We were astounded by it ourselves. It was a growth from March to April of 67 percent in participation by our readers. By the way, these are NOT our numbers. We receive this report from our Server which hosts both Progreso Weekly and Progreso Semanal. To explain it simply, they have a computer (we have no access to) that registers every time somebody shows up on our front page — that is called a hit. From there on in, every time you click on one of our articles and/or sections, that computer registers your every move and counts it as a hit. So that 67 percent increase simply means there was either more of you navigating through our pages (which there were) and/or every time you visit more of you are spending a longer period of time and jumping from article to article, commenting on the articles, or as many of you did, visiting the many other areas we offer for you to read or listen to.
We’ve always been very upfront with our readers — of which there were almost 100,000 last month. For that reason we are constantly showing you our increases (and decreases) by way of our hits on our front page. We don’t hide the facts. And over the years the fact is that those numbers have steadily inched upward. This month we wanted to boast a bit since the jump was so drastic upwards.
It also gives us the opportunity to thank you and assure you that plans are in store for the continued upgrade of Progreso — not only in the technical areas, but with new columnists and ideas we will be offering you soon.
Again, thank you for making us the success we are today.