Progreso Weekly layout and design will change starting next week

Expect a more modern, sleeker version of your magazine

By Alvaro F. Fernandez                                              Read Spanish version

Last week we proudly informed you of the thousands of readers visiting Progreso Weekly on a weekly basis. Yes, our growth has skyrocketed in the past year and our plans are to take this publication to the next level — in terms of readership, quality and outreach.

I say this to prepare you for next week’s edition of Progreso Weekly. You will see a newer, sleeker and more modern Internet publication. Our aim is to please you and bring you the best product possible, within our limitations. But, with our limitations, I will match Progreso Weekly to any publication doing what we do, week in and week out, anywhere in and outside of the Internet.

What we have tried with our new design is to put things much easier for you — immediately and at your request. There will be, for example, a small button at the top in order to adjust the letter size you see when you read Progreso Weekly on your screen. I’ve been told that Progreso’s type size is too small and hard to read. Well, we’ve done something about it.

We will have a “Most Popular” section which will let you, the reader, know what articles are being read the most that week. This dynamic section will change as people read the articles we present. There will also be a weekly poll which will let us know how you feel about things we discuss and about other matters from around the globe. Our first poll question, of course, will ask if you like the new layout and design. We hope you do so.

At the same time, there are many of us, and I will include myself in this group, who get used to things as they are and oftentimes have a hard time changing. I know there will be many of you who will tell me that you liked the other layout better, or you felt it was easier to follow, etc. We are ready to listen to your likes and dislikes, but all I ask of you is to give us a chance. Also, allow yourselves a few weeks to get used to the new design. I have a feeling you will end up liking it much more.

And we will not be stopping here. This is just the beginning of new changes. Like I said, Progreso has grown tremendously and we will continue to grow with Progreso. We are exploring new ways to better interact with out readers; art, photos, etc. will play a greater role on our pages as the weeks roll by; we are looking to add a section dealing with video; and much, much more.

You will also note that there will be new and interesting possibilities for advertisers. We are exploring a page of classifieds which all of you might be interested in, where for very little money you can send out your messages, or simply advertise your small business or professional office, to tens of thousands on a weekly basis.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who works so hard to make Progreso Weekly possible. To the writers, Internet tekkies, translators, researchers, and so many others — thank you! And last but not least, the people who put up the dollars to make sure Progreso Weekly is available to you every Thursday morning — Marazul Charters, XAEL Charters, Radio Progreso and the many of you who contribute by mailing (or emailing through PayPal) your donations.