Presenting the new Progreso Weekly

Here you have it, the new Progreso Weekly. We hope you like it.

To the right you will find a weekly poll; this week’s question deals with our new layout and format. Participate and let us know what you feel of our new design. It also allows you to follow others feel about the changes with Progreso Weekly.

As we told you last week our aim is to make sure we bring you a better product. We feel we’ve accomplished that. We suggest you navigate throughout the website to see the new things we’ve added. And there are more to come in the weeks and months ahead.

Just to give you an idea of what we have:

You will note at the top, on the right, there are buttons that allow you to set the size of text that’s best for you. We want to make reading Progreso Weekly, right from your computer, as easy as possible for you.

As already mentioned, there will be a weekly poll question on the column to the right. In the same box where you have our weekly poll question you will also find a new feature which lets you know what articles are being read the most, just click on the “Most Popular” feature.

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Here you have it, the new Progreso Weekly.                            Read spanish version

We hope you like it.

To the right you will find a weekly poll; this week’s question deals with our new layout and format. Participate and let us know what you feel of our new design. It also allows you to follow others feel about the changes with Progreso Weekly.

As we told you last week our aim is to make sure we bring you a better product. We feel we’ve accomplished that. We suggest you navigate throughout the website to see the new things we’ve added. And there are more to come in the weeks and months ahead.

Just to give you an idea of what we have:

You will note at the top, on the right, there are buttons that allow you to set the size of text that’s best for you. We want to make reading Progreso Weekly, right from your computer, as easy as possible for you.

As already mentioned, there will be a weekly poll question on the column to the right. In the same box where you have our weekly poll question you will also find a new feature which lets you know what articles are being read the most, just click on the “Most Popular” feature. And then there’s a feature so that you may subscribe to Progreso Weekly.

Also note that Cuban Radar has now its own section. It’s often the only place outside of Cuba where you will get some of the news we report. We felt Cuban Radar deserved the importance it now receives.

In Progreso Semanal, our Spanish edition, there is an added feature to the Francisco Aruca daily “Bullets” section he uses to announce the topics he will be discussing on his daily radio program. Now not only will you be able to read this background information, but you will also have the opportunity to give opinions on those topics and even on the interpretation of the news given by Mr. Aruca. This is available through a new “forum” within the bullets section. All you need to do is sign up and give your opinions.

There’s more and as we said, as time progresses you’ll see added extras to your website. But right now we will let you be adventurous by surfing and discovering the new Progreso Weekly.