On the road to climate justice


I am very excited to share that this morning I will embark on a journey with La Via Campesina on behalf of the Rural Coalition. They have sent me as part of delegation to participate in caravans that will depart from different parts of Mexico. Today, I , along with others we will depart from Acapulco in route to D.F., Mexico City. Have a look at the La Via Campesina video explaining 1000 Cancuns.

We are just one caravan of many traveling to Cancun for climate justice, and we are of 1000s globally that are in solidarity. More stories to come. Check out the youtube set up to share peoples’ stories: http://www.youtube.com/user/BeyondCancun#p/a/u/1/NoxLNurdek4

For daily updates from on the ground in Cancun from the grassroots,  check out: http://grassrootsclimatesolutions.net. I will be cross-posting here as well.

Here are some Educational Resources to share (thanks Kari Fulton of http://checktheweather.net/)

Here are links to few principles sheets and documents:

Indigenous Environmental Network Four Principles of Climate Justice

Environmental Justice Leadership Forum Principles of Climate Justice

Friends of the Earth Statement on UN Advisory Climate Finance Report

Civil Society Letter on Climate Financing

Cochabamba Accord
Copenhagen Accord
United Nations REDD (reducing emmissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries) Programme
Indigenous Environmental Network’s Report and Statement on REDD