Latin America… 3 views

The new South America

By Ignacion Ramonet

From Le Monde Diplomatique

The recent victory in El Salvador of Mauricio Funes, candidate or the Farabundo Martí Front for National Liberation (FMLN), has a threefold meaning. For the first time, the Left manages to wrest power from the hard-line Right, which had always dominated this unequal country (0.3 percent of Salvadorans hoard 44 percent of the wealth).

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The guest of stone in Port-of-Spain

By Manuel E. Yepe

The great corporate media have been prodigiously fanciful of late when explaining the unusual presence of Cuba as an inevitable topic during the debates prior to the Summit that will take place April 17-19 in Trinidad & Tobago, without identifying the nation responsible for the absurd situation.

How to explain "the problem of Cuba"…

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  1. A Latin America game plan
  2. The new South America
  3. The guest of stone in Port-of-Spain