Landy’s sound effects
“The most creative work, I tell you, is the effect. (…) When one is told: “Create the sensation of a magic flower that grows,” the recorder and sound editor help distort the sound, maybe adding something to it … But the effect consists of creating something new. “The sensation of a train derailing.” “Create the perception of an airplane that falls in the desert due to engine failure.”
“Place yourself for a moment in Star Wars. There everything is sound and each element sounds different. Some ships are more modern than others, and of course, sound like new or old. The sound is the protagonist; you are transported to the scene sensually. It took me a while to realize this and, well, I remained on the effects. I was not too clear on it, but what I meant was to create. I was not interested in fame but creativity.”
*Although you can always hear him on radio, Orlando Hernandez speaks publicly for the first time and explains about his nearly half century as the person charged with sound effects on radio. He is an unsung hero as the inventor of the sound effects of what is dramatized on Radio Progreso, one of Cuba’s most historic stations.