Hell = Spending eternity as Lincoln Diaz-Balart

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= Spending eternity as Lincoln Diaz-Balart’s roommate

Alvaro F. Fernandez


religious friend recently asked me what I thought of hell. After a
few seconds I told him that I did not believe in hell as many
perceive it. I believe God to be much smarter than that. I then told
him that hell would mean spending eternity as Lincoln Diaz-Balart’s
roommate wherever it is that we go after we die…

is why I wake up in the middle of the night restless. We are now less
than two weeks before the most important elections of my lifetime.

stake is the future. Miami and the U.S. will never be the same after
Tuesday, Nov. 4. If Barack Obama wins we stand a chance. He is smart,
eloquent and appears to be one of those persons that comes along once
in a generation. Obama may also be what this country needs and what
the rest of the world requires — that’s if we want to keep the
American dream viable.

in his best moments John McCain comes off as “ugly”. When
defending Obama when he was called a Muslim (as if being a Muslim was
something bad), McCain responded by saying “no,” adding that
Obama was a good and decent person. I wondered, “Aren’t there
good and decent Muslims around the world?”

seem to spout insanity and channel McCarthy. Regular “Joes”,
spurred on by McCain running mate Sarah Palin, hate anything that
smacks of common sense. And intellectuals beware! If you’ve read a
book and your answers seem intelligent or even long winded, you might
consider leaving. Sarah’s husband Todd may hunt you down as
savagely as he and his lovely Barbie kill wolves and moose in the
Alaska wilderness — just for sport…


here in Miami there are three congressional races the likes of which
we have never seen. Three incumbent republicans are being challenged
by serious and well-financed democrats. The stakes are high. The
republicans represent the status quo — here and in Washington. The
democrats want to start bringing about change so desperately needed.

Miami continue on the road to our version of Sodom and Gomorrah? And
it’s not about sex or homosexuality. Take a close look at our
politicians, most are crooks or incapable. I am not asking to turn
them to pillars of salt, but we
retire them…

have cast my vote for Annette Taddeo, who faces Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
(Congressional District 18), probably the most talented of the three
republicans. Taddeo, not a politician, faces the toughest road. I am
hoping for an upset of Ileana. Ros-Lehtinen comes off as friendly and
capable, but, I ask: what has she done for South Florida? Unless, of
course, you consider backing renowned and convicted terrorists an

on the ballot is Raul Martinez, the former mayor of Hialeah,
challenging Lincoln Diaz-Balart who is mean, arrogant, and dishonest.
Yes! he’s that bad. And to top it off, in 15-plus years in
Washington, he’s done nothing except rave in his highfalutin tone
of voice against Cuba and Fidel Castro — accomplishing zilch. All
the while his district (Congressional 21) has suffered.

there’s also brother Mario (Congressional District 25): the court
jester. He swoons over brother Lincoln like he was the last Coke in
the desert. He’s as worthless as Lincoln. Mark my vote for
Mario-challenger Joe Garcia. He is immensely intelligent and
talented… Yes, I know, Garcia represented the Cuban American
National Foundation once. We all make mistakes, don’t we?

night of November 4, I am hoping to celebrate. An Obama win and
losses by the three South Florida members of Congress will give me
hope for a better future to come. A loss or a combination of losses
by the democrats will leave me wondering if there is any real sense
for this country — or Miami, my home.

I said at the beginning, at stake is the future. And it
in our hands. When all is said and done, I am hoping to raise my
glass in celebration that night.