Havana almost ready for the G-77 plus the Chinese

[The Group of 77 is the largest intergovernmental organization of developing countries in the United Nations, which provides the means for the countries of the South to articulate and promote their collective economic interests and enhance their joint negotiating capacity on all major international economic issues within the United Nations system, and promote South-South cooperation for development.]


If any visitor had a doubt about how to write the name of Cuba’s capital city, I have seen a couple of men place new letters on that illuminated fence at the entrance to Havana’s 5th Avenue tunnel where it reads “Havana 504”. It will be the obligatory route to reach the Plaza de la Revolución.

Everyone involved in beautifying the city is working incessantly; there are heads of state confirming their attendance and even large aircraft carriers requesting a runway at the José Martí International Airport to disembark the leaders’ personal vehicles.

Even quite a few Havana hotels are stocking up on essential supplies to avoid even the slightest complaints from guests who will attend the event — some very well known.

It turns out that many personal security groups are already on the island in their official duties. A very easy task due to the extreme tranquility and control that exists. Many flies, but none with homicidal intentions.

Hours before the start of the Summit, there is tranquility in the city. Nothing, or little, attracts attention in movements outside of the usual ones in an international call considered the most important of the year.

The effort in infrastructure has been considerable. We will probably never know how much was spent in such critical moments that even the bare minimum of food provided is in danger. Another sovereign display in the face of the empire.

There will be a session at the Convention Center on Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th under the label of “Current development challenges: The role of science, technology and innovation.”