FL 26 congressional race goes from local to national themes
MIAMI – There is no debate date set yet between the two candidates in what has been deemed as one of the most closely watched and flippable congressional races in the country, but the themes in Florida’s District 26 are already going from local to national.
It’s not like challenger Carlos “Crybaby” Curbelo is going to completely drop the negative attacks about absentee ballot fraud and election tampering by Congressman Joe Garcia’s previous campaigns. Especially after his recent poll shows that the Miami-Dade School Board member gains a few points when voters know about the absentee ballot fraud charges against the congressman’s former chief of staff who spent last Thanksgiving in jail.
Likewise, Ladra is quite certain that Garcia and Florida Democrats will not stop harping on Curbelo’s failure to disclose the names of his lobbying clients who he hides by having his company registered legally to his stay-at-home-mom wife. It’s really their only path, whether they know it yet or not.
But their public duels are increasingly about national issues such as immigration and Social Security and Medicare, both of which Curbelo called a “Ponzi scheme,” according to the latest “tracker” video by a Democrat plant at a Republican club gathering in D.C.
“I speak about both of these programs as one because both of these programs suffer from the same long term insolvency, meaning that they won’t be around for us, meaning that we are paying into a system that you know is a Ponzi scheme,” Curbelo said during the meeting Thursday with the George Washington University Republicans.
“Rick Perry said that. That’s one of the few things I think Rick Perry contributed when he ran for president last time; and I worked for him so I can say that,” said Curbelo, a chronic name dropper, plugging one of the few public clients we are privileged to know about.
Garcia — who has already hit Curbelo for wanting to “end the Medicare guarantee, including with a new video ad released Thursday – seized the moment.
“Yesterday I stood up at a rally of thousands of seniors who had come to Washington to defend Medicare and Social Security against proposed cuts,” the congressman said in a statement. “It turns out Carlos Curbelo was in Washington yesterday also, but he wasn’t standing with seniors, he was at a meeting with Republicans where he called Medicare and Social Security a ‘Ponzi scheme.”
“It’s disturbing that Curbelo is willing to sell out our seniors. We have a clear contrast in this election: I took on the President and won when he proposed Medicare cuts, and will never vote for the Tea Party budget that Curbelo supports because it ends the Medicare guarantee. Yesterday, Curbelo proved once again that he is wrong for South Florida, and that he’s putting himself, his Tea Party allies and his paying clients before the interests of our community.”
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(From Political Cortadito)