Fidel Castro: ‘I will fight tirelessly’

Cuban Radar                                                                               Read Spanish Version

news service from the Havana bureau of Radio Progreso Alternativa

On Aug.
1, all newspapers in Cuba published a new reflection by the historic
leader, Fidel Castro.

than a reflection, Castro described it as "another proclamation
… [exactly] one year after the first proclamation, on July 31,
2006," in which he delegated power to Army Gen. Raúl
Castro Ruz.

I am bombarded with questions as to when I will take up again what
some call power, as though that power were possible without
independence," Fidel Castro writes, but at no time does he
specify when, how, or in what capacity he would resume his official

There is
an answer, however, when he writes that "Raúl has already
responded that, as I recover, every important decision is consulted
with me. What will I do? I will fight tirelessly as I have done my
entire life."

In his
new proclamation, the Cuban leader writes that everything has gone
exactly as planned and restates that "the struggle against our
own deficiencies and against the insolent enemy which seeks to take
possession of Cuba must be unrelenting."

another point, he warns Cubans not to "entertain the slightest
illusion that the empire, which carries the genes of its own
destruction, will negotiate with Cuba."


reflection by Fidel Castro can be read in full in:

Cuban-Venezuelan joint enterprises

Habana Cuba reported that the governments of Venezuela and Cuba
signed agreements to create five agricultural enterprises.

the umbrella of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA),
the companies "will work in the areas of leguminous vegetables,
poultry, dairy, lumber and rice and will be able to link up with
other countries in the mechanism of union and integration, to which
Bolivia and Nicaragua also belong, as full members."

companies will be based in Venezuela and their objective will be to
produce so as to guarantee the alimentary security of the countries
that participate in the integrationist project.

drop in the rate of traffic accidents

the figures of crimes committed in the country are not in the public
domain, the figures of traffic accidents are reflected by the media.

sources told the Prensa Latina news agency that the number of traffic
accidents throughout the island declined by 4 percent during the
first half of this year, compared with the number for the same time
period in 2006.

report from the Traffic Department of the Revolutionary National
Police adds that "the number of deaths decreased by 15.6
percent; the number of injured declined by 12.5 percent."

does not stop saving oil

alcohol distillery Nauyú, in the municipality of Chambas in
the central province of Ciego de Ávila, will use bio-gas
[methane] derived from its own waste as a fuel.

substitution of fuel oil by the biofuel makes for significant
savings. In addition, it will keep waste from contaminating the
surrounding agricultural areas, something that was already happening.

to the provincial newspaper
, the workers at the
sugar mill Enrique Varona completed "the construction of a
700-cubic-meter digester for the first plant of its kind in the

report adds that this is "the main objective of a project
sponsored by a German nongovernmental organization aimed at obtaining
methane gas from sugar residues."

to research, Cuba has the potential to produce more than 150,000 tons
of fuel per year, derived from about 78 million cubic meters of
biodegradable residues."

production recovers

Adelante Digital
from eastern Camagüey
province reported on July 24 that the production of eggs has
gradually recovered.

its lowest rate of production — 49 million eggs in 2001 — the
province managed to produce 104 million in 2006 and plans to take
that figure to 121 million this year.

province’s largest production was in 1983 with 187 million eggs.
However, that happened during a period when all the necessary
facilities and chicken feed were available.

Castro honors the Nation’s Martyrs

Monday, July 30, the 50th anniversary of the murder of revolutionary
leader Frank País and his comrade Raúl Pujol in
Santiago de Cuba, the acting President, Army Gen. Raúl Castro
Ruz, delivered the eulogy.

Castro said the flame lit at the Cemetery of Saint Iphigene in the
provincial capital "will pay eternal tribute to all the children
of the people who gave their lives for the freedom and dignity of the
Motherland and other fraternal countries, and will be a commitment by
the present generation to be faithful to their memory and example."

País García was the organizer of the armed uprising of
Nov. 30, 1956, in the city of Santiago de Cuba, in support of the
landing of the yacht Granma. A man with great talent as an organizer
and valor that had often been tested, País rose to national
action chief of the July 26 Movement. He was assassinated one month
after his brother Josué.

País, a teacher, died at the age of 22.