Feel the Bern: Sanders to campaign with Andrew Gillum in Tampa, Orlando
By George Bennett
Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders got shellacked by Hillary Clinton in Florida’s 2016 presidential primary. But the 33.3 percent of the vote Sanders got in that race might be enough to win this year’s five-candidate Florida Democratic primary for governor.
Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who’s hoping to tap into the Sanders base of liberal voters in the primary, will campaign with Sanders on Friday in Tampa and Orlando.
Sanders endorsed Gillum Aug. 1, joining a cast of out-of-state stars of the left that includes George Soros, Tom Steyer, Norman Lear and Jane Fonda in supporting Gillum’s candidacy.
Sanders and Gillum are scheduled to appear at an 11 a.m. Friday rally at the hipsterish Armature Works in Tampa, then attend a 3 p.m. rally at the CFE Arena on the campus of the University of Central Florida in Orlando.
(From the Palm Beach Post)