Don’t vote, Latinos told

Yesterday, a group led by Republican strategists and misleadingly named “Latinos for Reform,” attempted to launch an ad campaign that explicitly urges Latino Americans not to vote.

See the ad for yourselves:


I initially saw the ad circulated on Facebook with a number of outraged comments. I was appalled by this outright voter manipulation and suppression. There has been an uprise of the radical far-conservative right. The GOP knows that with Republican/Tea Party candidates taking anti-immigrant and down-right racist policy positions, they can’t win our vote, so they must suppress our vote.

We have the power of people this election if we organize to get out the vote. President Obama will have the opportunity to carry out the work he promised with a Congress that backs him up NOT hold him down from moving this country forward.

If we stay home and “shut up” (as they hope), then we will only see gridlock in Congress for the next two-years. Those of us that want and value better education for your children, an improved healthcare system, immigrant rights, sustainable social security, climate justice, access to equal housing and jobs, will lose our voice and means to be active in the Congress. This is it. Do we want Arizona-style immigration policy in Florida? Nevada? Virginia?

We have a lot of progressive foundation to lose if we are not active this election. How can we build forward, if allow this country to take many steps back in history.

The background on this ad:

Head of the organization “Latinos for Reform” is Robert Deposada, a former Republican National Committee director of Hispanic Affairs. Here is a list of those that made financial contributions to the Political Action Committee (PAC), Latinos for Reform.

In response, DNC Chairman Tim Kaine issued the following statement here.

The Huffington Post responded that, “after decades of Latino voter registration efforts by non partisan organizations Bush operative Robert Deposada and the GOP have found Latino voters to be an inconvenient truth that they actually understand… The Republicans, aided by their translator Deposada, have decided that instead of correcting the failure of their candidates and their party to attract Latino voters it is easier and faster to beg folks to stay home. The tactic is beneath contempt, wholly un-American, and very anti-Latino.”

I agree. We must stay on our toes, folks.
