DN! Reports on the Thousands that marched in Cancun

Thousands March in Cancún at La Via Campesina’s “Global Day of Action for Climate Justice”

I was there participating/covering the March and will share some video blogs and a comment from U.N. ambassador to Bolivia. He was very pleased to see Progreso Weekly/ Progreso Semanal was there documenting the history.

Check out the  Democracy Now! news coverage at t the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Cancún, La Via Campesina—the world’s largest federation of peasant and smallholder farmers—held what they called the “1,000 Cancún Global Day of Action for Climate Justice.” Several thousand people took to the streets to march in protest of the summit. Democracy Now!’s Mike Burke filed this report.

Go directly to the link at: http://www.democracynow.org/2010/12/8/thousands_march_in_cancn_at_la