Day 1 of the road to climate justice.

We had our first day on the caravan from Acapulco to D.F. (Mexico City) with Via Campesina. We visited the community of la colonia ampliacion Puerto Marquez, who shared with us their horror stories of displacement from their homes by the local government.

Violently families (including children) were taken from their homes at the force by the local military.  Foreign-owned Realtor companies, who what to buy the ocean front land, privatize it so they can build the “new private Acapulco” exclusive to foreigners. We also visited La Parota in Guerrero and had dinner at the teachers’ union Chilpanchingo, Guerrero, where we are staying the evening too. Our caravan starts tomorrow at 5am. Good night.

For more information in respect to this community check La Jornada coverage of our caravan.