Urgent Action Alert.

TELL President Obama that the time is NOW to make an executive order to broaden the categories of travel to Cuba for ALL U.S. Americans to travel.


We have all waited long enough, patiently through these elections, and now….

We have word from “highup” that the President needs to hear from you!

I know a lot of our readers on Progeso Weekly/Progreso Semanal are Cuban American and a large number from communities in South Florida.  Frankly, in reality the White House needs to hear from you! Speak up and tell President Obama that as a Cuban American (or as a Floridian), the handful of radical, conservative Cuban Americans in the Congress do not speak for you. Speak loud as Cuban Americans that want REAL CHANGE in policy toward Cuba.

It will take only five minutes of your time to give an important voice and priority to this issue.

Why the White House will listen to you:

1.) You are Cuban American. (punto). You are Cuban American from Florida, ooh, now they are really listening. Tell them why opening up people-to-people travel to Cuba is important to you, as a Cuban American.

2.) Call the White House at 202-456-1111, and with a simple message, “PLEASE, tell the President to take action to expand travel to Cuba. I am Cuban American from xxxx.  And I believe [your message]. We hope the Administration will do the right thing and make an executive order to broaden the categories of travel to Cuba for ALL U.S. Americans!”

3.) CALL! Call Friday, Monday, Tuesday, and everyday. Get 5 family members and/or friends to call. We need the Cuban American community to organize and support speaking out to the Administration. They want to hear from you (that they CAN).

Mr. President, we urge you to change 50 years of bad foreign policy toward Cuba!

Note: I will be sending out more information shortly to keep you posted and active in moving the Obama Administration to DO MORE FOR CHANGE in policy toward CUBA. Keep posted for a petition that will be launched next week.

– Angelica Salazar

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