Cuba paid homage to Che

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paid homage to Che

news service of Radio Progreso Alternativa’s Havana bureau

With a
number of ceremonies throughout the island, Cubans paid tribute to
Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara on the 40th anniversary of his murder
in Bolivia.

principal event was held Monday the 8th on Che Guevara Square in
Santa Clara, the city liberated by the forces of the mythical warrior
in December 1958. That action, which practically divided the island
in two, had a direct military bearing on the overthrow of dictator
Fulgencio Batista.

The act
was presided by Cuba’s acting President, Army Gen. Raúl Castro
Ruz, and was attended by Che’s relatives and leaders of the Communist
Party of Cuba and the Cuban government.

On the
same day, the national newspapers and media published a reflection by
the historical leader of the Cuban process, Fidel Castro Ruz, in
which he said: "I pause during the daily combat to bow my head,
with respect and gratitude, to the exceptional combatant …"

keynote speech was delivered by Revolutionary Comandante and Minister
of Communications and Computer Sciences Ramiro Valdés

the productive forces

to the debates that have begun throughout Cuban society, Comandante
Valdés said in Santa Clara that they are "what we expect
… they help us to break away from inertia, dogmatism and the
bureaucratic style."

called on Cubans to "liberate the productive forces whenever
they are bogged down" and added that "Che and his
practical, antidogmatic sense will help us to continue seeking
socialist solutions, or [solutions] compatible with socialism, to
spur the production of foodstuffs…"

his important speech, Valdés warned against those who,
"consciously or unconsciously, stimulate discouragement, promote
bizarre theories for the solution of complex economic problems and,
worse yet, create the illusion that the historical conflict between
Cuba and the United States can be resolved by way of unilateral
concessions or the expectation of favors."

Valdés’ entire speech can be found in "Liberate the
productive forces," Progreso Semanal blog, Oct. 9, 2007.

construction falls short in the capital

The news
that the housing construction plan in Havana City is 60 percent
complete was announced at a meeting of the People’s Power of Havana
Province. That means it will be practically impossible to meet the
expected goal.

reasons for the shortfall are the same that afflict the national
construction plan: a shortage of manual labor and problems with the
supply of materials. The national plan for this year envisioned the
construction of about 75,000 homes. That target will not be reached.

Bertone will visit Cuba

Vatican’s second-highest prelate and Secretary of State, Cardinal
Tarcisio Bertone, will visit the island soon. The news, initially
disclosed by an Italian newspaper, has been confirmed by Vatican
sources. In Havana, people close to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese do
not deny the report.

the dates have not been officially published, analysts believe that
the visit will coincide with the 10th anniversary of the visit that
the late Pope John Paul II made to Cuba in January 1998. According to
the Agence France-Presse, the visit will last from Jan. 21 to Jan.
26, 2008.

now focuses on whether Cardinal Bertone, 72, will be received by
Cuban leader Fidel Castro. "Very likely, yes," said a
diplomatic source who asked for anonymity.

Roman Catholic Church and the Cuban state are going through a period
that lacks confrontation and abounds in the willingness to find
points of cooperation.