Contributions and prosthetics

ByVirgilio Pagliery                                                                    Read Spanish Version

Thearduous work of the ‘Little Sergeant family’ includesphilanthropy. In their altruism, to benefit his own family of course,the Little Sergeant has demonstrated once again his great ability tonegotiate.

Aprosthetics company desperatelyin need of political pull, so that the insurance coverage includesits products, has finally found the much needed backing theydesperately sought. Maybe, we should say, instead of ‘found’ theword should be ‘bought.’ Everything has a price, right? Yousimply have to come up with the right figure. And as the saying goes,“for a piece of silver the monkey will dance” — as, so will, theLittle Sergeant.

Thispeculiar business, ‘We have the Part You’re Missing, Inc.’ hascollaborated tirelessly with theLittle Sergeant and his brother in different ways. All very muchappreciated by them: Contributions for their reelection campaigns,help in raising other funds, payments, extra payments and much dough“under the table.”

TheLittle Sergeant, who has never supported any medical project duringhis political career, has suddenly found — God works miracles; late,but he makes them happen… — immeasurable enthusiasm with thisprosthetics thing. “It’s a moral question,” he assures uswith tears in his eyes and a wayward eye looking at the sack ofdollars just received for his campaign. “I will continue to fightfor those who need prosthetics,” he excitedly yells, diggingdollars deep into his pockets.

Andin that confusion, passion and love for thiscause, he discovers that “man does not live by bread (I mean $$)alone.” Suddenly he has a brilliant idea, realizing that thiscompany not only can help with money but also with a prosthetic: abrain.

Itis rumored that the Little Sergeant and probably his little brotherwill finally receive a custom-made prosthetic. To tell you the truth,this company has been working on this project for a number of years.The brain asked for has not been a piece of cake for the scientists,engineers and doctors who have worked on the piece.In fact, not one of them has been able to guarantee anything to dowith these pieces. Without a warranty, I think, we may have the sameLittle Sergeant for a long while. Inother words, not much change upstairs. (see gallery)

















 (see gallery)