President Trump is trying to avoid blame for his policy of reckless reopening by blaming increased testing and minimizing the seriousness of the disease. Read More...
Following the advice of President Donald Trump, states in the Sunbelt opened their economy in the faces of a growing pandemic. How is that going? Read More...
In an act of pure hypocrisy and obsessive cruelty, the GOP Senators joined together to penalize developing nations who seek to take advantage of Cuba’s hands-on humanitarian work. Read More...
Trump seems convinced that if he says something, or wishes for something to happen, it will. But his genie must have taken a vacation, or has relapsed and is drinking again. Read More...
Donald Trump and his enablers have been quick to cast the protesters as violent “looters” – and distract from the real looters of America. Read More...
Imagine if Adolf Hitler had staged one of his infamous 1930s fascist Nuremberg hate-fests … and the stands were less than full and his speech fell flat. Read More...
“I can’t breathe.” Words that were probably last on the lips of many of the more than 117,000 Americans who so far have died from the coronavirus. Read More...