The historic influx of illegal immigrants from Central America is caused primarily by the high demand for illicit drugs in the United States, Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez… Read More...
Moscow's cooperation with Latin American states is a priority for Russia’s foreign policy, President Vladimir Putin told Cuba's Prensa Latina and Russia's Itar-Tass news agencies in an… Read More...
The story of the vulture funds that have brought Argentina to the brink of a second default in one decade should not be told as the work of a heartless speculator, an ultraconservative… Read More...
As reported by the Pew Research Center, and based on a U.S. Department of Homeland Security document, poverty and regional violence in three Central American countries are the main… Read More...
Cuba is siding with Argentina in the case of that South American nation's foreign debt and how it can best pay it off. "By defending Argentina, we defend the right of the nations in the… Read More...
At the summit of the Group of 77+China, held June 14-15 in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, President José Mujica took a key step toward an improvement in U.S.-Cuba relations and the… Read More...
The use of cyberspace and the social communication networks to infiltrate and destabilize societies and governments was denounced Sunday (June 15) by the Group of 77+China at its summit… Read More...
Cuban President Raúl Castro took to task the world's largest financial institutions for not doing enough to help the developing countries and urged the creation of regional banks that… Read More...
Text of speech by Raúl Castro yesterday (June 14) in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, as published in Juventud Rebelde and translated by Progreso Weekly. Read More...